News — Trust God

Where is your Focus?

March is marching along! Hope you have been doing well? Just wanted to send you some encouragement today because let's face it - with everything that is going on in our world right now it can all be discouraging and disheartening. The news on the Russia and Ukraine war has been pretty much centre stage for the last couple weeks and we wanted to encourage you to keep praying for those who are facing persecution in both countries.It is so essential that we keep our focus on God in these times and spend time strengthening our Spirit through prayer and...

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MAD Apparel God First V-neck

Get Busy in God...

In our modern world it is plain to see that people are getting busier than ever. We rarely feel like we have time to get everything we want to done, so things get pushed off to the side. When we don’t prioritize our lives properly, we sometimes take time away from the most important aspect of our life: our faith. In Matthew 10:37-39 it reads “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. Whoever does not take up...

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Where Is Your Focus?

.. Blessings, faith, and answers are often missed because of distractions... You start out strong and mighty..Your mind is made up that I’m going to wait on God until my change comes.. But then you realize time is moving on and it seems like nothing still is happening.. . In fact, it seems like things are getting worse and the small thought “maybe this is not God’s will for me” or “maybe God is not with me” creeps in..Once the first distraction takes root, it causes you to take your eyes off God and instead place your eyes on the...

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Trust God With Your Plans

Submit Your Plans To God First

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